Thursday, 28 November 2019


The only repos I have on this system are redhat. I used sudo yum install --enablerepo rhelserver-optional-rpms xorg-xserver-Xvfb. You'll need to configure the appropriate entitlement in order to use one of those channels with your system, of course. No package Xvfb available. You can search for packages at the following URL if you're not familiar with or don't like the Package Kit gui or the equivalent yum functionality: I have tried to install the Xvfb on red-hat 6. xorg-x11-server-xvfb

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No package Xvfb available. So you should be using the second option, "yum install xorg-xserver-Xvfb". Please verify its path and try again Notice the "6Server" part, that directory doesn't exist or something xorg-x11-serrver-xvfb wrong with what I was doing.

I was able to download the RPM and then install it locally after reading this article wget http: This answer is way better, because it does not depend on owning a subscription. You'll need to configure the appropriate entitlement in order to use one of those channels with your system, of course. I just looked at my redhat repo and it's blank. xorg-x111-server-xvfb


Information about the package, xorg-xserver-Xvfb, which is shipped with common Linux distributions. Brought to you by Contrado Digital.

About xorg-xserver-Xvfb for Yum on Linux

Search returns no matching packages, and "yum install xorg-xserver-Xvfb" tells me "No package xorg-xserver-Xvfb available". Post as a guest Name.

Ok, I figured it out. You can search for packages at the following URL if you're not familiar with or don't like the Package Kit gui or the equivalent yum functionality: This command will show you core information about the xorg-xserver-Xvfb package.

[RHSA-2018:3410-01] Important: xorg-x11-server security update

Umm, the package is called "xorg-xserver-Xvfb" on CentOS5. However, all of the help that I've found says to type: Maybe run "yum clean" to clear out local data? Nothing to do Plese help me to install Xvfb on Redhat 6.


I was able to download the RPM and xorg-x11-aerver-xvfb install it locally after reading this article. When you run this command with th e -y flag, you will not be prompted to check that you are sure you want to remove the package - so be sure you absolutely want to remove xorg-xserver-Xvfb when using the -y flag.

Post as a guest Name. This sounds more like an issue with Torgis's yum configuration.

RPM RedHat 7.X xorg-xserver-Xvfb x86_64 rpm

Control the xorg-xserver-Xvfb package with the following handy commands outlined below. The only repos I have on this system are redhat. Because I get the error: You can search for packages at the following Xorg-c11-server-xvfb if you're not familiar with or don't like the Package Kit gui or the equivalent yum functionality:.

Active 4 years ago. Which I'm sure would work if I had the correct repo configured, which I'm guessing I don't.

Notice the "6Server" part, that directory doesn't exist or something is wrong with what I was doing. However, all of the help that I've found says to xorg-x11-sever-xvfb. Asked 5 years, 7 months ago. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

RPM resource xorg-x11-server-Xvfb

This command will update xorg-xserver-Xvfb to the latest version. Asked 7 years, 9 months ago.

Improving the question-asking experience. Aamreeta Aamreeta 61 1 1 silver badge 1 1 bronze badge.

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